List of filename extensions / C

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This list contains common file name extensions that are used in some operating systems to differentiate between file formats . In other operating systems, file type identification is mainly carried out using the file header, and the MIME type is more important than the file name extension for e-mail attachments . Systems that use the latter two approaches usually ignore the extension completely.

Filename extension MIME type Full name Remarks, usage
.c text / plain, text / xc C source code file C source code file
.c configuration CheckPoint VPN Secure Remote Configuration
.cpp, .c ++, .cxx text / plain, text / xc C ++ source code file C ++ source file
.C text / plain, text / xc C ++ source code file C ++ source file (rare)
.c00 Ventura Publisher Print File -
.C01 Typhoon wave -
.c2 C-Controll II module C-Control-II source text file of the programming language C2
.c2d WinOnCD CD image -
.c2p C-Controll II project C-Control-II project file in the C2 programming language
.c4b Clonk 4 binary file Clonk
.c4d Cinema4D scene file Cinema 4D
.c4d Clonk 4 object definition Clonk
.c4f Clonk 4 round folder Clonk
.c4g Clonk 4 system data Clonk
.c4k Clonk 4 registration key Clonk
.c4m Clonk 4 material definition Clonk
.c4p Clonk 4 player file Clonk
.c4s Clonk 4 scenario Clonk
.c4u Clonk 4 update Clonk
.c4v Clonk 4 video Clonk
.c4x Clonk 4 engine Clonk
.C86 C86 source code Computer innovation
.approx Cache file Telnet Server Initial cache data
.cab application /
application / x-cab-compressed
Microsoft Cabinet file Compressed file archive
.cac Executable file dBase IV
.cad Softdesk Drafix Cad -
.cag Catalog file Microsoft Clip Gallery v. 2.x, 3.x, 4.x
.cal Calendar file -
.Crash Crash report Most 3D editors such as B. Prism3D
.cal Cakewalk Application Language Macro file for Cakewalk (MIDI sequencer)
.cal CALS Compressed image files
.cal SuperCalc Spreadsheet SuperCalc 4/5
.cam Casio camera file -
.can Canvas Navigator fax
.cap - Capella (notation)
.cap Capture file Telix session
.cap Caption Ventura Publisher
.car AtHome assistant file -
.car Carrara file 3D software from DAZ Productions
.carc Nintendo texture, graphic, plates, course file Nintendo Editor Tool
.cas Comma-delimited ASCII file -
.cat Security catalog Windows
.cat Catalog file dBase
.cat - Casio program link FA-123
.cat tree-ring width data file CAT RAS: C omputer A ided T ree R ing A nalysis S ystem
.cat categorization file Quicken IntelliCharge
.cat Stellarium Star Catalog Stellarium
.CATpart Part file CAD / Catia V5
.cb clean boot file Microsoft
.cbc CubiCalc Fuzzy Logic System file
.cbf Atari DOS Chebase file DOS
.cbf ChessBase file Proprietary format for storing chess games (replaced by the CBH format)
.cbf CSDL document contains a Specification and Description Language specification
.cbh ChessBase file Proprietary format for saving chess games (from 1997, version Chessbase 6.0)
.cbi Column binary Use in IBM mainframe systems
.cbk CryptoBackup File Encrypted CryptoBackup file (only with unencrypted file names)
.cbl Cobol Cobol source code
.cbm Compiled bitmap XLib
.cbr Comic book rar archives Can z. B. open with the CDisplay program
.cbt Computer based training -
.cbz application / x-cbr Comic book zip Comic book format
.cc C ++ source code file C ++ source file
.cc custom class Visual dBASE
.cc3 CUEcards database Notes management
.cca cc: mail archive -
.ccb Animated button configuration Visual Basic
.ccc Curtain Call Native bitmap Image files
.ccd CloneCD Image Control File CD image configuration file created with CloneCD
.cce calendar Calendar Creator Plus
.ccf - Configuration of the OS / 2 multimedia viewer
.ccf Database MediaDex catalog
.ccf Communications Configuration Symphony
.ccf Concerto Container File Data with layouts (AVL Concerto)
.ccf CryptLoad Container File File list of the CryptLoad download manager ( Rapidshare )
.cch Corel chart -
.ccl Communication Command Language Intalk
.ccm Lotus CC: Mail "box" file for example: INBOX.CCM
.cco CyberChat file -
.cco XBTX Graphics -
.ccs Citavi citation style file Citavi
.cct Shockwave cast file Macromedia Director
.cct DesignWorks file DesignWorks Viewer
.cda CD audio track -
.cdb CardScan Database CardScan
.cdb Clipboard file Clipboard
.cdb Conceptual model backup PowerDesigner
.cdb Critical Data Block Keyfile FreeOTFE
.cdb Main database Turbo C Utilities
.cdb Pocket Access Database Kaisoft Access Manager for Pocket PC
.cdf Channel definition format Microsoft
.cdf application / cdf, application / x-cdf Netcdf Graphic file Image files
.cdfs Compact Disc filing system WindRiver CD file system
.cdi Compact Disc Interactive Philips CDi standard
.cdi - CD image created with DiscJuggler
.cdk Atari Calamus Document -
.cdm Conceptual data model Sybase PowerDesigner Data Architect
.cdm Custom data module Visual dBASE
.cdm C ustom D evice M odules Device drivers in the NetWare Peripheral Architecture (NWPA) from Novell NetWare
.cdm5 Connection file for the management console Citavi 5 for DBServer Manager Citavi
.cdp Content dispatcher package Packaged content for the PC railway simulation Trainz
.cdr CorelDRAW file File of the vector graphics program CorelDRAW
.cdr CD raw data Contains raw data from a CD
.cds ClientDataSet Contains database tables from MyBase ( Borland Delphi )
.cdt CorelDRAW template template
.cdx CorelDRAW compressed drawing Compressed CDR
.cdx Compound index Microsoft Visual Foxpro
.cdy application / vnd.cinderella Cinderella Construction file Geometry program Cinderella
.ce Main CE file The FarSide Computer Calendar
.ceg Tempra Show Bitmap graphic Image files
.cel AutoDesk Animator Cel Image -
.cel CIMFast Event Language file -
.cerium application / pkix-cert, application / x-x509-ca-cert Certificate file MIME x-x509-ca-cert
.cf Imake configuration file -
.cfb Compton's multimedia file -
.cfg Configuration file Configuration file
.cfl CorelFLOW Chart -
.cfm ColdFusion template -
.cfm Corel FontMaster file -
.cfm Creative FM music -
.cfm Windows customer form Visual dBASE
.cfn Atari Calamus Font File -
.cfo C form object Turbo C Utilities
.cfp Complete Fax Portable Fax file
.cga - Ventura Publisher screen font
.cgf Crytek Geometry File Storage format for 3D models of the CryEngine
.cgi Common gateway interface script -
.cgm Computer Graphics Metafile Vector graphics
.ch Clipper 5 headers -
.ch OS / 2 configuration file -
.ch3 Chart Harvard Graphics 3.0
.ch4 Charisma Presentation Charisma 4.0
.chd Chameleon Font descriptor -
.chf remote control file pcAnywhere
.chi ChiWriter Document -
.chk Check disk Contains lost data chains recovered by the MS-DOS / Windows programs Checkdisk and Scandisk
.chk - WordPerfect for Windows temporary file
.chl Configuration History Log -
.chm Compiled HTML Help Help file in CHM format, used under Windows (from Windows 98 ); compressed HTML archive
.chn Ethnograph data file -
.chp Chapter file Ventura Publisher
.chr Character sets Fonts
.cht ChartMaster dBase Interface -
.cht ChartViewer file -
.cht Harvard Graphics Vector file -
.chw - Content file for .chm
.cif CalTech Intermediate Graphic -
.cif Creator Image File CD image created with Easy CD Creator
.cif caller file pcAnywhere
.cif Crystallographic Information File -
.cil Clip Gallery download packag -
.cil Cilea unit group Unit group for Cilea
.cim Sim City 2000 file -
.cin - Monitors modifications to INI files under OS / 2
.circ circuit File type for displaying circuits, e.g. B. with Logisim
.cix Database index Turbo C Utilities
.ck1 ... .ck6 Commander Keen data iD / Apogee Commander Keen 1 ... 6
.ckb Keyboard mapping file Borland C ++
.cl Generic LISP LISP source code
.cl3 Layout file Adaptec Easy CD Creator
.class application / java, application / java-byte-code, application / x-java-class Java .class file Bytecode executable by the Java Virtual Machine
.clc APROL ChronoLog container Files are written by the ChronoLogServer program. (LINUX)
.cld Print template for CD label print Canon printer
.clg Disk Catalog database -
.cll Cricket Software Clicker File -
.clo Cloe Image -
.clp Compiler script Clipper 5
.clp Clip art Quattro Pro
.clp application / x-msclip Clipboard Windows clipboard
.clr color screen image 1st reader
.clr Color definition PhotStyler
.cls Class source file C ++ class module definition
.cls Class source file Visual Basic class module definition
.cls Class definition LaTeX document class
.clt APROL ChronoLog template Templates used for formatting ChronoLog containers (.clc). (LINUX)
.clw Class Wizard Microsoft Visual C ++
.clw Source code file Clarion for Windows source code
.clz Tomb Raider 6 Archives Compressed archive with audio (AWD) or level data (GMX)
.cm Craftman Data -
.cma - APPLIX TM1 : database in plain text format
.cmd External Command Menu 1st reader
.cmd Command file Batch scripts for Windows NT, OS / 2, CP / M-86 and RSX11
.cmd Program file dBase-II
.cme Diagram file SeeMe editor for the SeeMe modeling method
.cmf Corel Metafile -
.cmg Chessmaster saved game -
.cmk Card Shop Plus file -
.cmm CEnvi batch file -
.cml Chemical Markup Language File Chemical Markup Language , XML-based file format for representing molecules
.cmp Postscript printer header CorelDRAW 4.0
.cmp - JPEG bitmap
.cmp User dictionary Microsoft Word for DOS
.cmp Address Document Route 66
.cmr MediaPlayer Movie -
.cmv Corel Move animation -
.cmx image / x-cmx Corel Presentation Exchange image -
.cmyk cyan, magenta, yellow, and black Raw data
.cnc CNC General Program data -
.cnf Configuration Configuration file
.cnq Compuworks Design Shop -
.cnt Contents Index file for help files under Windows
.cntl z / OS JCL program library PDS with batch files
.cnv Conversion files files to be converted (WsFTP)
.cnv conversion support file Word for Windows
.cnv Temporary file WordPerfect for Windows
.cnv Canvas drawing Cancas file (vector format)
.cob Cobol Cobol source code
.cob trueSpace 2 object 3D objects
.cod Template source file dBase application generator
.cod FORTRAN compiled code -
.cod compiled code Microsoft C Compiler Edition
.cod Video text file -
.cof Container file Container file for a download manager
.col Color palette AutoDesk Animator
.col Multiplan spreadsheet Microsoft Multiplan
.com application / octet-stream, text / plain Command / Core Image Batch file (Betr.Syst. Of DEC ) Executable program ( CP / M / DOS / Windows ). With PC-DOS also binary file of the operating system (see .SYS). The formats of CP / M and DOS are for different processors and therefore not identical. If a .COM and an .EXE file with the same name are in the same directory, the .COM file is executed by default.
.con configuration Simdir
.conf text / plain Configuration Configuration file under Unix , mostly plain text (e.g. /etc/inetd.conf)
.config text / plain Configuration Configuration file under .NET or configuration file under Unix , mostly plain text
.contact Windows Live Contact Windows Live Contact format, e.g. B. for Windows contacts
.contrib - Rest after merging in ClearCase
.coo Components File Fabasoft Components
.cp4 Cplan Track plan for CPlan track plan Game
.cp8 CP8 256 Gray Scale image Image files
.cpc Cartesian Perceptual Compression Image files (for CPC Viewer)
.cpd Complaints Desk Script -
.cpd Corel PrintOffice file drawing
.cpd .cpe - Fax cover sheet
.cpf Complete fax Fax file
.cph Corel Print House Image files
.cpi AVCHD C li p I nformation: Information about the video AVCHD videos, SONY video format
.cpi ColorLab Processed Image Image files
.cpi code page information Code page specification for MS-DOS and FreeDOS
.cpio application / x-cpio cpio -Archiv Archive format of the Unix command cpio
.cpj CD Project CeQuadrant
.cpj Track image WinOnCD
.cpj CADdy electrical project CADdy (software)
.cpl Compel Presentation -
.CPL Corel color palette -
.cpl Control Panel Library Windows Control Panel applet
.cpo Corel Print Office Image files
.cpp text / xc C Plus Plus (C ++) C ++ source file
.cpp Cricket Presents presentation CA cricket
.cpr Corel Presents presentation -
.cpr Cubase Project Project file of the Cubase sequencer
.cps PC Tools Backup Central Point
.cps Colored postscript colored postscript
.cpt application / x-cpt Cricket Presents Template CA cricket
.cpt Corel Photo-Paint image Image files
.cpt Encrypted memo dBase
.cpt - Compressed file archive (Macintosh)
.cpx Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed drawing
.cpy Copy books -
.cpz COMPOZ Music Text -
.cr2 Canon RAW format Image file in raw data format
.crc Cyclic Redundancy Check File for checking data consistency
.crc Circular reference file Pro / Engineer
.crd application / x-mscardfile Cardfile Microsoft Windows 3.x
.crf cross-reference Zortech C ++
.crf PkZip packed archive use a lot of games
.crh Image file Microsoft Golf
.crl application / pkcs-crl, application / pkix-crl Certificate revocation list File that contains the serial numbers of revoked certificates in PKI environments
.crp Corel run-time presentation -
.crp Encrypted database dBase IV
.crp custom report Visual dBASE
.crs Conversion resource WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows
.crs - AICC course description
.crt application / pkix-cert Certificate Certificate file
.crt Crontab file -
.crt Terminal settings information Oracle
.crt application / x-x509-ca-cert, application / x-x509-user-cert CaRTridge Image Commodore 64 emulator (ROM content of a plug-in module for the expansion port)
.cru CRUSH Compressed file archive
.crv Unknown Curve file, closed freehand line (Curve CAD WorkNC)
.crw Canon Raw Image for storing photos in Canon digital cameras
.crx application / x-chrome-extension Chrome Extension Browser extension for Google Chrome , the format largely corresponds to the standard browser extensions
.cry Crysis Map Crysis maps are saved in this format that can be read by the Crysis editor
.cs C-Sharp C-Sharp (C #) source code file
.csa Comma deliminated text -
.csb Cosmo3D scenegraph binary OpenGL Optimizer / Cosmo3D scene graph file, binary format
.csb Corel script binary -
.csb Crashsoft BASIC -
.csc Corel script -
.csg Statistica / w graph file -
.csh application / x-csh, text / x-script.csh C shell script files Hamilton Labs
.csi Copystar (image) SH-CopyStar, disk copier program
.csl - America Online CSL format
.csm Precompiled header Borland C ++ 4.5
.csm Script file Kodak Dc265 Camera
.csm Catography Shop Map 3D map by TheGameCreators
.cso Customer service data + outcome Compressed .iso of a PlayStation Portable game
.csp PC Emcee On-Screen image -
.css Statistica / w Datasheet -
.css Stats + data file -
.css text / css
Cascading Style Sheet Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - ASCII text files written in a supplementary HTML language for the exact formatting of HTML elements
.cst Cast Macromedia Director
.cst - AICC course structure
.csv text / comma-separated-values

text / csv
application / csv
application / excel
application /
application / vnd.msexcel
text / anytext

Comma separated values Text file, table
.csv Adjusted EGA / VGA range CompuShow
.ct Cheat Engine Table
.ct - Paint Shop Pro
.ct Scitex CT bitmap -
.ctb color-dependent plot style table AutoCAD - color-dependent plot style table file, contains exactly 256 plot styles, which are assigned to each color in the drawing (see also .stb )
.ctc PC Installer Control -
.cte Classification Tree Editor Classification Tree Editor file, contains test frames and test cases
.ctf code translation /

Custom PSP Theme

Symphony Character code /

Sony PSP

.ctg Canon Power Shot Info File ctg = catalog / Canon digital cameras store additional information about the images in it.
.ctl Control dBase IV
.ctl control file Control file
.ctv Citavi 2 project file Citavi
.ctv3 Citavi 3 project file (database container file) Citavi
.ctv4 Citavi 4 project file (database container file) Citavi
.ctv5 Citavi 5 for Windows project file (database container file) Citavi
.ctv5bak Self-extracting backup of the project file (database container file) from Citavi 5 for Windows Citavi
.ctvdbs5 Connection file for the database in Citavi for DBServer Citavi
.ctx Course text Microsoft Online Course
.ctx Ciphertext PGP
.ctx User control binary Visual Basic
.cub Cube file APPLIX TM1
.cue CUEcards database Notes management
.cue Cue sheet Audio CD metadata (track ends, etc.)
.cui application / octet-stream Customize user interface AutoCAD configuration file for the user interface
.cul Cursor library IconForge
.cup Database file SeeYou (glider program)
.cur Cursor file Mouse pointer (static)
.cursor cursor Sun Microsystems
.cut Dr Halo bitmap -
.cutlist Cut Assistant (formerly Asfbin Assistant) Cutting list for video editing
.cv Corel Versions archive -
.cv information screen Microsoft CodeView
.cv5 Canvas drawing Canvas 5.0 (vector and bitmap; also for Canvas 7.0)
.cvi Canvas drawing Image document
.cvg image Image files
.cvs Canvas drawing Canvas 3.5, artWORKS (vector and bitmap)
.cw I do not know Quake3, font file (included in * .pk3)
.cwb Cakewalk Bundle -
.cwk Claris Works data -
.cwp Cakewalk Project -
.cws Claris Works template -
.cxt protected cast Macromedia Director
.cxx text / plain C ++ C ++ source file
.cys CSWgermany CYberSecure-CryptContainer Encrypted archive
.cz StarMoney CAMT file (Windows)
.czip Encrypted ZIP Encrypted archive