List of illumos distributions

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This article has been proposed for deletion.

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Reason: relevance more than doubtful. The list item doesn't even have its own article. Besides, nothing occupied, most of the red links .-- TheRandomIP ( discussion ) 00:39, 15 Aug 2020 (CEST)

This list of illumos distributions contains a selection of software distributions based on illumos , a free derivative of the discontinued OpenSolaris . It is compatible with Solaris , SunOS and UNIX System V . Illumos is used as the basic system (consisting of kernel, elementary drivers, essential system libraries and tools for system administration) for a wide variety of distributions, such as the GNU operating system together with the Linux kernel for most Linux distributions .

Details on individual distributions can be found in the respective main article.

  • DilOS : with Debian package manager dpkg and apt; x86-64, SPARC;
  • Dyson : combines the Debian userland with illumos and wants to become an official Debian port;
  • napp-it : ZFS storage server distribution for NAS or SAN etc .;
  • NexentaStor : optimized for virtualization, NAS, SAN etc. a .;
  • OmniOS : distribution specialized in server usage;
  • OpenIndiana : end-user distribution with MATE Desktop Environment ; x86, x86-64, SPARC;
  • OpenSXCE : Distribution especially for developers and system administrators; x86, x86-64, SPARC;
  • SmartOS : combines OpenSolaris technology with Linux KVM virtualization, for example for building clouds ;
  • Tribblix : Distribution with the look and feel of NeXTSTEP using Window Maker ; x86-64, SPARC;
  • v9os : minimalist server distribution; SPARC;
  • XStreamOS and variants: distributions for network infrastructure, cloud services, development etc .;

See also

List of operating systems