Liturgical reform of Pius V

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The liturgical reform of Pius V is the name given to the liturgical innovations put into effect by Pope Pius V. They concerned both the liturgy of Holy Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours . The missal is essentially unchanged until today as the so-called forma extraordinaria in use.


The Council of Trent prepared this reform, but was unable to complete it due to lack of time. In the first period of 1546/1547 the liturgy could only be discussed peripherally. When a commission for liturgical reform was later formed in Bologna, it barely got beyond rough sketches. At the urging of the various nations participating in the Council, at least the grossest liturgical abuses (abusus missae) could be brought together.

After these various preparatory work, the council commissioned - fearing that it would not be able to shoulder such a great task - in the final session of 4/5. December 1563 the Pope with the reform of the breviary and missal. The only sentence of the Council on Breviary and Missal is therefore:

“[…] Praecipit ut quidquid ab illis [meaning the commissioning of some council fathers with the index librorum prohibitorum ] praestitum est sanctissimo Romano Pontifici exhibeatur ut eius iudicio atque auctoritate terminetur et evulgetur. Idem que de catechismo a patribus quibus illud mandatum fuerat et de Missali et breviario fieri mandat. "

Goals and measures

The subsequent reform essentially pursued two goals:

  1. Streamlining and purifying the liturgy, d. H. Restoration of the original Roman mass liturgy,
  2. Standardization and centralization of the liturgy based on the Roman model.

The group appointed to draft the reform consisted of Zara Muzio Calini , Egidio Foscarari and Leonardo Marini . They probably brought in Giulio Pogiani and Guglielmo Sirleto , and possibly Francisco Furerio as well. The work of this commission can no longer be reconstructed due to a lack of sources. The result of the reform consisted of the following measures:

  • Festival calendar: Missal and breviary have been coordinated. The festive days have been significantly reduced: While the calendar in Milan in 1474 had almost no holiday days, the new calendar had almost 150.
  • Standardization of the Mass rite : On the basis of Johann Burchard von Straßburg's Messordo, the general rubrics of the Breviary and the Ordinarium Missae were created as a uniform basis of the Roman rite .
  • Reduction of the sequences and prefations
  • Reform of the Commune Sanctorum ;
  • Reform of votive masses ;


  • Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman Missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30-66 .

Further reading on the Missal

Further reading on the breviary

  • Josef Schmid: Studies on the reform of the Roman breviary and missal under Pius V. In: Theologische Viertelschrift . tape 66 , 1884, p. 451 ff. u. 621 ff .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman Missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (51) .
  2. ^ Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (52) .
  3. a b Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (53) .
  4. ^ Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (54) .
  5. ^ Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (56) .
  6. ^ Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (57) .
  7. ^ Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (60) .
  8. ^ Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (62) .
  9. ^ Hubert Jedin : The Council of Trent and the reform of the Roman missal . In: Liturgical Life . tape 6. , No. 1/2 , 1939, p. 30 (63) .