Lyudmila Georgievna Sykina

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Sykina ( left ) with Svetlana Medvedeva in June 2009

Lyudmila Georgijewna Sykina ( Russian Людми́ла Гео́ргиевна Зы́кина ; born June 10, 1929 in Moscow ; † July 1, 2009 ibid) was a Russian folk singer .


Lyudmila Sykina started her career in 1947 in the Pyatnitsky Choir . Since 1960 she has been a solo artist. Sykina was close friends with Yekaterina Furzewa , a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union , and Leonid Brezhnev's favorite artist .

She has received numerous awards, including in 1970 the Lenin Prize , in 1979 the Order of Lenin , the Order of Merit for the Fatherland , First Class and the highest Russian Order of St. Andrew . In 1973 she became a People's Artist of the USSR, and in 1987 a heroine of socialist labor . She is the namesake of the asteroid (4879) Zykina .

The well-known songs by Sykina include The river Volga and Orenburg cloth .

Sykina died of complications from a myocardial infarction .

Web links

Commons : Lyudmila Zykina  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files