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Lo-Ruhama is the daughter of the prophet Hosea in the Old Testament .


The Hebrew name לֹ֣א רֻחָ֑מָה lo ruchama is a verbal sentence. It means "she finds no mercy". רֻחָ֑מָה ruchama is 3rd person singular feminine of the passive stem Pu'al to רחם rchm "to have mercy on someone" and means "to find mercy". The noun רֶ֖חֶם ræchæm , which means “mother's womb”, is related to the word .

In the Septuagint the name is rendered with οὐκ-ἠλεημένη uk -ēleēmenē , which translates as " unloved ".

Biblical report

YHWH instructs Hosea to marry a cult whore and to father children. This act of signs is intended to make it clear that the people have left YHWH and have become a prostitute ( Hos 1,2  EU ). Hosea obeys YHWH's instructions and marries Gomer, Diblajim's daughter. She bears him three children: the son Jezreel, the daughter Lo-Ruhama and the son Lo-Ammi ( Hos 1,4-9  EU ).

In the words of salvation Hos 2,1-3  EU and Hos 2,18-25  EU the name Lo-Ruhama is taken up. In Hos 2,3  EU there is a renaming from Lo-Ruhama (“she finds no mercy”) to Ruhama (“she finds mercy”). In Hos 2.25  EU , YHWH speaks to Lo-Ruhama (“she finds no mercy”): “I have mercy on Lo-Ruhama”.

An allusion to this name can be found in Rom. 9.25  EU , where it says: "I want to call that my people who were not my people, and my beloved who were not my beloved." The name is here on the beginning Mission interpreted by non-Jews. These are also accepted into the community of those who are loved by God.


Individual evidence

  1. Gesenius , 16th ed. 1915, p. 755