Lochinvar National Park

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The Lochinvar National Park in Zambia is the southern part of the Kafue- Auen and forms a unit with the northern Blue Lagoon National Park . Both areas were bought by the World Wildlife Fund in 1960 for reasons of animal welfare. Upstream is the Itezhitezhi Dam with the Kafue National Park . The dam is also used to keep the water level in the Kafue floodplains constant and to flood them regularly.

The park comprises 428 km² of forest ( Acacia albida and Combretum ), floodplains and lagoons. The hot springs (60–90 degrees Celsius) of Gwisho arise in it. The park offers as its northern part a large number of birds (428 were counted here), large herds of lechwe -Antilopen, but also buffalo , wildebeest , zebras . Unlike the northern Blue Lagoon National Park, Lochinvar is open to tourists. It offers lodges and camps. The park can be reached via the city of Monze . It can be visited all year round.

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Coordinates: 15 ° 40 ′ 0 ″  S , 27 ° 15 ′ 0 ″  E