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The Lomwe are one of the four largest ethnic groups in Malawi . Their settlement areas are located in the southeast of the country, the largest population centers are in the Mulanje district . Other Lomwe groups live in the districts of Thyolo , Chiradzulu , Zomba , Liwonde and in other districts of southern Malawi.

Settlement and residential areas

The historical settlement area of ​​the Lomwe lies in today's Mozambique and in the extreme southeast of Malawi. Initially, the greater part of the Lomwe lived in Mozambique. increased migration from Lomwe to western Malawi began parallel to the arrival of European missionaries, merchants and colonialists at the end of the 19th century. A large influx from Lomwe to Malawi occurred around 1930, when Mozambique was shaken by inter-ethnic clashes.


The Lomwe language, Chilomwe, belongs to the Bantu language family and is written in the Latin alphabet. There are nine different dialects of Chilomwe. Although the Lomwe try to preserve their linguistic traditions, the number of Chilomwe speakers is falling: the Malawian official language Chichewa is adopted by a growing part of the Lomwe population.