Lophozia ventricosa

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Lophozia ventricosa
Lophozia ventricosa (a, 144939-474711) 4091.JPG

Lophozia ventricosa

Class : Jungermanniopsida
Subclass : Jungermanniidae
Order : Lophocial
Family : Lophoziaceae
Genre : Lophozia
Type : Lophozia ventricosa
Scientific name
Lophozia ventricosa
( Dicks. ) Dumort.

Lophozia ventricosa is a liverwort species from the Lophoziaceae family and belongs to the group of leafed liverworts. German-language names are Gewöhnliches Spitzmoos or Bauchiges Spitzkelch-Lebermoos .


Lophozia ventricosa grows in light to dark green, flat lawns from plants about 1 to 2 centimeters long and 1 to 2 millimeters wide. The prostrate to more or less upright, brown and densely leafed trunks are covered with numerous rhizoids on their underside . The undershot flank leaves are egg-shaped to rectangular and divided into two pointed lobes at the front. At the tips of the leaf lobes there are mostly yellow-green piles with one- to two-celled, angular brood bodies around 20 µm in size . Lower leaves are missing. The leaf cells of the flank leaves are rounded, square to hexagonal, thin-walled and about 20 to 30 µm in size in the middle of the leaf. The cell corners are moderately thickened. There are 13 to 20 oil bodies per leaf cell .

The moss species is diocesan . The perianth protrudes far out of the envelope, is elongated-ovoid to cylindrical, suddenly contracted with a few short folds at the top and serrated at the mouth. Perianthia and sporogons are seldom formed.


Lophozia ventricosa is a diverse clan with several variants such as:

  • Lophozia ventricosa var. Silvicola (H. Book) RM Schust., Characterized by oil body having a large oil ball inside,
  • Lophozia ventricosa var. Ventricosa composed oil bodies of numerous small droplets,
  • Lophozia confertifolia Schiffn., With homogeneous oil bodies,
  • Lophozia groenlandica (Nees) Macoun, occurrence in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.


The moss avoids lime, loves moisture and shade and grows on rock, open raw humus, on low-humus mineral soil on earths and on rotten wood.


The distribution of Lophozia ventricosa is circumboreal with occurrences in Europe, Asia and North America. In Central Europe it is the most common type of the genus. It is common in the mountains, but rare on the plains. In the Alps it occurs up to the tree line.


  • Jan-Peter Frahm, Wolfgang Frey, J. Döring: Moosflora . 4th edition, UTB Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-8252-1250-5
  • Nebel, Philippi: Die Moose Baden-Württemberg Volume 3 . 1st edition, Ulmer Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-8001-3278-8
  • Ruprecht Düll, Barbara Düll-Wunder: Determine mosses easily and reliably . Quelle & Meyer Verlag Wiebelsheim, 2008, ISBN 978-3-494-01427-2

Web links

Commons : Lophozia ventricosa  - album with pictures, videos and audio files