Viscount of Dundee

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John Graham, 1st Viscount of Dundee

Viscount of Dundee was a hereditary British title in the Peerage of Scotland , named after the city of Dundee .

The title was created on November 12, 1688 by King James VII for the military leader John Graham , 7th Laird of Claverhouse , called "Bonnie Dundee". Together with the Viscount title he was awarded the subordinate title Lord Graham (e) of Claverhouse , also in the Peerage of Scotland.

The 1st Viscount was the military leader of the Jacobite Rebellion in 1689 but fell on July 27, 1689 in the victorious Battle of Killiecrankie . The title initially fell to his son, who was born in April 1689 as the 2nd Viscount, who died in December 1689. The title then fell to his brother, who had also fought in Killiecrankie. Finally, by decree of June 13, 1690, his title and lands were revoked for high treason and his lands were confiscated.

List of Viscounts Dundee (1688)

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