Lord of the Rings: Game One

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Lord of the Rings: Game One , published in the USA as The Fellowship of the Ring: A Software Adventure , is a text adventure from the Australian computer game manufacturer Melbourne House from 1986. It is an officially licensed product for the fantasy novel Der Herr der Rings from JRR Tolkien and the sequel to The Hobbit .


The plot is based on the first volume of Lord of the Rings and deals with Frodo's journey from Bag End to Rivendell and his subsequent departure from there to Mordor.

Game principle and technology

The game is divided into two separate parts that can be accessed and played as files independently of each other. Lord of the Rings is a text adventure, which means that the environment and events are displayed as screen text and the visualization is largely up to the player's imagination. In contrast to classic text adventures, which do not have any graphic decorations, Lord of the Rings comes up with a picture of the respective environment. The player enters commands via the keyboard that are evaluated by a parser and allow the player to interact with his environment. By exploring the game world, talking to NPCs and combining objects, he drives the game's story forward.

Production notes

Lord of the Rings: Game One was released for Amstrad CPC , Amstrad PCW , Apple II , BBC Micro , C64 , DOS , Mac OS , ZX Spectrum . It is one of a series of four novel-based games by Beam Software that were released over a period of seven years. In addition to the predecessor The Hobbit (1982), Shadows of Mordor (1987) and The Crack of Doom (1989) also belong to the series, the latter being published exclusively in the USA and there by the US publisher of the series, Addison-Wesley .


Computer Gamer gave it 4 out of 5 points and called it both a worthy successor to The Hobbit and Melbourne House's best adventure game to date. Your Sinclair awarded 5 out of 5 points, Computer & Video Games 8 out of 10.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.worldofspectrum.org/showmag.cgi?mag=ComputerGamer/Issue11/Pages/ComputerGamer1100034.jpg
  2. http://www.worldofspectrum.org/showmag.cgi?mag=SinclairUser/Issue047/Pages/SinclairUser04700080.jpg
  3. http://www.worldofspectrum.org/showmag.cgi?mag=C+VG/Issue053/Pages/CVG05300074.jpg