Los cuatro generales

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Los cuatro generales is a popular song from the Spanish Civil War , which is also known under the title Mamita mía or Coplas por la defensa de Madrid .


The song is sung to a melody that originally accompanied the verses Los Cuatro Muleros by Federico García Lorca . The song describes the resistance against the putschists and generals Francisco Franco , Emilio Mola , José Sanjurjo and Gonzalo Queipo de Llano . Lyrically, different versions of the song are widespread, either mentioning the putschists by name or simply naming them as quatros generales or los Franceses and los milicianos .

German version

The German translation or variation of the text under the title Die Herren Generale (1936) comes from Ernst Busch , who went to Spain in 1937 to join the International Brigades in the fight against the putschists. It contains a swipe at the Condor Legion sent by Hitler to support Franco:

And the fascist states
promptly sent soldiers
with bombs and grenades
¡Mamita mia!
to bloody deeds.

The song achieved great fame among political activists in the Federal Republic of Germany during the 1970s and 1980s and was re-recorded by the songwriter Hannes Wader , among others .

Web links


  1. http://personales.ya.com/altavoz/canciones/loscuatrogenerales.htm
  2. ^ John Meier: German Folk Song Archive : Yearbook for Folk Song Research, Volume 22 W. de Gruyter & Company, 1977.
  3. Liederjan - The Gentlemen Generals last.fm