Lothar Bechstein

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Lothar Bechstein: Two acts

Lothar Bechstein (born August 18, 1884 in Solothurn ( Switzerland ); † November 28, 1936 in Munich ) was a painter from Switzerland who worked in Munich.


Lothar Bechstein studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich from 1905 to 1907 (matriculation number 03055). His teachers were Peter Halm and Angelo Jank . He later became a member of the Munich Secession Association of Visual Artists founded on April 4, 1892 . Study visits took him to Vienna, Paris, Algeria and the North Sea. From 1932 until his death he was married to the Austrian painter and art teacher Paula May .

Bechstein began painting with an impressionistic tendency and after 1914 came to large-format, strictly composed figure pictures with clear classical forms in muted colors. From 1929 he painted murals (Arcadian Idylls for Steamship Europe ) and made frescoes (Urn Hall in Munich's Ostfriedhof in 1933, restaurant in the Old Botanical Garden in 1936).

Exhibitions (selection)


His works are represented in various collections, such as the Staatsgalerie München a. a. with the images African landscape (12600), bathing men (9425), village (9062), standing figure (9829). The Duisburg and Gießen art collection and the Venice Modern Gallery also own some of his works.


  • Bruno Kroll: German contemporary painters. Rembrandt-Verlag, Berlin 1937, p. 128 ff. With 2 illustrations
  • Peter Breuer: Munich artists' heads. Callwey Verlag, Munich 1937, pp. 335–337 with a painted self-portrait from 1927 and 2 illustrations.
  • Bechstein, Lothar . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 8, Saur, Munich a. a. 1993, ISBN 3-598-22748-5 , p. 121.
  • Horst Ludwig: Munich painter in the 19th / 20th centuries Century (Bruckmanns Lexikon der Münchner Kunst), Vol. 5 Achmann-Kursell . Bruckmann, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-7654-1805-6 , p. 56 ff.
  • Helena Ketter: On the image of women in painting during National Socialism: an analysis of art magazines from the time of National Socialism . In: Art History / Art History . tape 76 . LIT Verlag Münster, Berlin-Hamburg-Münster 2002, ISBN 3-8258-6107-4 , p. 140 ff . (306 p., Limited preview in Google Book search).

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the matriculation database .