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Love mobile at a driveway in Germany
Caravan dash at Cologne Eifeltor train station , Germany , 2012
Lovemobile in Lyon , France, 2006

Mobile brothels , mostly in the form of caravans or mobile homes , are referred to as Lovemobil ( German  Liebesmobil ) . They are used by prostitutes to carry out their trade and are usually located on the arterial roads of many cities in Germany. While caravans mostly occupy established spaces, mobile homes are more agile.

Legal situation in Germany

In 2012, the Lower Saxony city of Soltau (Heidekreis) wanted to reduce the density of “love mobiles” in the city and imposed an entertainment tax on prostitution in mobile homes. In doing so, she put mobile brothels on an equal footing, for example with fairground businesses . An owner of five such vehicles sued the Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court in Lüneburg against a corresponding fee of five euros per day. The city saw the operator as an entrepreneur who offers taxable events. In the first instance, the administrative court in Lüneburg found the levy to be permissible.


The love mobiles are mostly in remote parts of places. This exposes the prostitutes working in them to a security risk. There are always cases in which violence is exercised against prostitutes without them being able to get help quickly.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hamburger Abendblatt- Hamburg: "Lovemobile" employ the Higher Administrative Court. November 26, 2012, accessed February 28, 2020 .
  2. Hohenbosteler rapes prostitutes in a love mobile. In: Leinetal Online News. March 15, 2012, accessed September 7, 2016 .
  3. Lovemobile set on fire at B 214 ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )