Lucien Lerat

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Lucien Lerat (full name Lucien Émile Édouard Lerat , born February 28, 1909 in Paris , † August 30, 1993 in Toulon ) was a French classical archaeologist .


Lucien Lerat studied Classical Studies from 1930 to 1932 at the École normal supérieure in Paris and then stayed from 1933 to 1936 as a member of the École française d'Athènes in Greece. After his return he went to the University of Besançon in 1937 , where he was professor of Greek language and literature until 1955 and professor of art archeology (= classical archeology) from 1955 to 1981 . From 1953 to 1960 Lerat served as dean of the Faculté des Lettres . From 1942 to 1971 he was the manager in charge of the archaeological sites in the Franche-Comté region .

Lerat's main research interests were ancient Gaul and Greece. From his dissertation on western Lokris , which he published in two volumes in 1952, many other essays and articles emerged.

Fonts (selection)

  • Les Locriens de l'Ouest . 2 volumes, Paris 1952
    • Volume 1: Topographie et ruines
    • Volume 2: Histoire, institutions, prosopographie
  • Les lampes antiques. Catalog des collections archéologiques de Besançon . Paris 1954
  • Les fibules Gallo-romaines. Catalog des collections archéologiques de Besançon . Paris 1956
  • Les fibules Gallo-romaines de Mandeure. Catalog des collections archéologiques de Montbéliard . Paris 1957
  • Vesontio. In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VIII A, 2, Stuttgart 1958, Sp. 1695-1705.
  • with Yves Jeannin: La ceramique sigillée de Luxueil . Paris 1960
  • La “ville d'Antre”. Mythes et réalités . Paris 1965
  • La Gaule romaine . Paris 1977. Reprinted 1986
  • Les fibules d'Alesia . Dijon / Semur 1979
  • In Besançon Gallo-romain . Paris 1985
  • with Hélène Walter: Besançon antique . Paris 1990


  • Hélène Walter (editor): Hommages à Lucien Lerat . Paris 1984
  • Pierre Lévêque: Le doyen Lucien Lerat . In: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne . Volume 19 (1993), pp. 7-9 (with picture)