Lucius Aemilius Mamercinus Privernas

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Lucius Aemilius Mamercinus Privernas was a politician of the Roman Republic who belonged to the patrician family of the Aemilians . He held several high offices, including twice the consulate (341 and 329 BC).

In 342 BC BC, during the dictatorship of Marcus Valerius Corvus , Aemilius was his Magister equitum . He held his first consulate the following year; his counterpart was Gaius Plautius Venno . However, he and his colleague were forced to resign before the end of the year in office, as Livy reports, in order to enable new elections because of the impending Latin War . After the Latin Wars, Aemilius emerged again politically. In 335 BC He was appointed dictator to hold a popular assembly (dictator comitiorum habendorum causa) . In his second consulate (329 BC, colleague Gaius Plautius Decianus ) he was charged with waging war against the Gauls in northern Italy. Since the Gauls kept quiet, Aemilius captured the city of Privernum and held a triumphal procession . For his victory he was nicknamed Privernas . In 326 BC He was Interrex , 316 BC. Again dictator (dictator rei gerundae causa) . His task during this dictatorship was the fight against the Samnites .

His full name is according to the inscriptions L. Aimilius L. f. L. n. Mamercinus Privernas . Various variants of his cognomen Mamercinus have come down to us from a later period.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Livy 8, 3, 4 .