Lucius Cassius Hemina

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Lucius Cassius Hemina was a Roman historian . He lived during the fourth secular celebrations of 146 BC. Chr.

His work Annales , which is estimated to be between seven and nine books in length, deals with Roman history from the early period to at least 146 BC , following the example of Catos . The first book contains the early history with the wandering of Aeneas , the second book from the founding of Rome by Romulus to the Pyrrhus war in 280 BC. BC, the third the first Punic war , the fourth the second Punic war . The fourth book is the only book that can be dated to a time before the third Punic war , because fragment 31 titles the fourth book Bellum Punicum posterior , thus only distinguishing between an earlier and later Punic war.

The narrative is short and historical. There is evidence of a preoccupation with the lifetimes of Homer and Hesiod (fragment 8) and other cultural-historical matters (gods of Samothrace , the Sau Prodigium ).

Cassius Hemina has come down only through fragments from Pliny the Elder and grammarians.


  • Hans Beck, Uwe Walter: The early Roman historians . Volume 1: From Fabius Pictor to Cn. Gellius (= texts on research , volume 76). Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2001, ISBN 3-534-14757-X , pp. 242-281
  • Michèle Ducos: Hemina (L. Cassius). In: Richard Goulet (ed.): Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques . Volume 3, CNRS Éditions, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-271-05748-5 , p. 549
  • Gary Forsythe: Some notes on the history of Cassius Hemina . In: Phoenix 44, 1990, pp. 326-344.
  • Udo W. Scholz : On L. Cassius Hemina . In: Hermes 117, 1989, pp. 167-181
  • Werner Suerbaum : L. Cassius Hemina. In: Werner Suerbaum (Ed.): The archaic literature. From the beginnings to Sulla's death (= Handbook of Ancient Latin Literature , Volume 1). CH Beck, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-406-48134-5 , pp. 418-421