Lucius Cornelius Lentulus (proconsul)

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Lucius Cornelius Lentulus was a Roman senator , politician, and military officer.

Lucius Cornelius Lentulus belonged to the Lentuli branch of the Cornelier family . He was praetor at a time that is no longer known . 82 BC . BC was he - probably in the province of Asia - proconsul . Lentulus is known from an inscription from Rhodes .



  1. Little Pauly speaks of "around 86" BC. Chr., Broughton, The Magistrats of the Roman Republic , and The New Pauly expressly from a no longer known year.
  2. ^ So Broughton and The New Pauly ; Little Pauly names the year 83 BC. Chr.
  3. Inscriptiones Graecae XII 1.48 = Sylloge inscriptionum Graecarum , 3rd ed., No. 745.