Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus

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Sarcophagus in the Vatican Museum

Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus from the Scipion branch from the Gens der Cornelier was a Roman politician and military man.

Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus was not the first representative of the family branch, but was still considered the progenitor of the family. Probably 301 BC He held the office of aedile , 298 BC. BC with Gnaeus Fulvius Maximus Centumalus the consulate . In this capacity he fought successfully in Etruria . He took Taurasia and Cisauma , subjected all of Lucania and for a short time to Samnium . The Elogium on which the deeds are described may have been created later. Propraetor Barbatus 295 was v. BC, censor probably 280 BC BC and even before 304 BC He was Pontifex Maximus and remained so until his death after 280 BC. Chr.

He was the first to be buried in the tomb of the Scipions . His sarcophagus (" Peperin sarcophagus ") is now in the Vatican Museums .



  1. ILLRP 309 = CIL 6, 1284 .