Lucius Furius Medullinus (Consular Tribune 432 BC)

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Lucius Furius Medullinus was a general and politician of the Roman Republic in the second half of the 5th century BC. Chr.

L. Furius Medullinus was a member of the Roman patrician family of the Furier , who presumably came from Tusculum , but this has not been definitively established, although a grave with 7 members of the Furii has been found in Tusculum . He belonged to the leading branch of the Medullini of his family in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, who derived their cognomen from the place Medullia .

Lucius Furius Medellinus was the son of another Lucius. The name Lucius occurs frequently among the Furii Medullini, so that his father cannot be named. Should it be identical to the one for the year 405 BC? His grandfather was a Spurius, as he was traditionally consular tribune . Two Furii that fit in time come into consideration: one is Spurius Furius Medullinus Fusus (consul 481 BC) and the other is Spurius Furius Medullinus Fusus (consul 464 BC) . Nothing is known about the beginning of his senatorial career and the clothing of the lower offices. In the years 432, 425 and 420 BC He was consular tribune ( tribunus militum consulari potestate ). The consular tribune of the years 432 BC. Chr. Is to be separated from a consular tribune of the same name from the years 407, 398, 397, 395, 394 and 391 BC. BC, to which the tribunate of the year 405 may also be assigned. In the years 413 and 409 BC Was a Lucius Furius Medellinus consul and is said to have waged war against the Volscians during both consulates . His war experience may have provided the reason for the annalists to choose him - probably in deliberate falsification - for the year 405 BC. When the war with Veii broke out, he was accepted as consular tribune. Whether the latter was the son of the former and which of the two was the consulates of 413 and 409 BC. Clad is not to be decided.


Individual evidence

  1. CIL 14, 2700 to CIL 14, 2707.
  2. ^ Livy 4, 51, 7f .; 55, 8.