Lucius Genucius Aventinensis (Consul 303 BC)

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Lucius Genucius Aventinensis dressed in 303 BC Together with his colleague Servius Cornelius Lentulus the consulate .

Presumably, Lucius Genucius Clepsina (consul in 271 BC) and Gaius Genucius Clepsina (consul in 270 BC), both of whom were involved in the operations against the Legio Campana , were his sons.

Lucius Genucius Aventinensis belonged to an old, in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC. Important plebeian gene , probably around 200 BC. Is extinct.

In addition to an entry in the consular fast , which testifies to his consulate, there are mentions of the person of Lucius Genucius Aventinensis in Titus Livius and Diodorus .



  1. ^ Livius, Ab urbe condita 10, 1, 1 (German translation) ; Diodor, Bibliothéke historiké 20, 102, 1; ua (English translation)