Lucius Salvius Otho

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Lucius Salvius Otho was the son of Marcus Salvius Otho and the father of the future emperor Otho .


Lucius Salvius Otho was particularly favored by Emperor Tiberius in his political career . He went through the capital's honorary offices and was proconsul of the province of Africa either under Caligula or Claudius . He also successfully administered several extraordinary military commands. In 33 AD, Otho became a suffect consulate .

In Illyria around the year 42 AD, he had some soldiers executed who had murdered their superiors as instigators in the uprising of Lucius Arruntius Camillus Scribonianus out of regret for their participation in the revolt, although he knew that they had just done this shortly before had been promoted by Emperor Claudius. As a result, he fell considerably in favor of the emperor. However, Otho regained this when he uncovered the assassination attempt by a Roman knight against Claudius through the betrayal of slaves. The Senate then honored him by erecting a statue in the palatium and Claudius raised him to the patrician rank.


Otho was married to Albia Terentia, a woman from a noble Roman family. He had two sons with her, Lucius Salvius Otho Titianus and Marcus Salvius Otho, who later became emperor, and a daughter who was betrothed to Drusus Caesar , the son of Germanicus , before reaching marriageable age .
