Lucius Valerius Messalla Volesus

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Lucius Valerius Messalla Volesus was a Roman senator at the time of Emperor Augustus .

Messalla Volesus was a son of Potitus Valerius Messalla , a suffect consul in 29 BC. Chr. Messalla Volesus began his career in 12 BC. BC as triumvir aere argento auro flando feriundo (mint official). The next stages of his career up to his consulate in 5 AD are unknown. In 11 or 12, Messalla Volesus became proconsul of the province of Asia . His career came to an end when he was charged and convicted of “outrageous atrocities”. Augustus himself wrote a memorandum libelli Augusti de Voleso Messalla .


  1. Seneca , On Wrath 2,5,5.
  2. Tacitus , Annals 3.68.
