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West Africa with Ludamar (1839)

Ludamar was an empire of the Moors in the west of today's Mali and in the south of Mauritania . The area lay northeast of the Senegal River and was bordered in the north by the Sahara desert and in the south by the empires Kaarta and Bambara . The place Benowm (Binaun?) Was the capital of the empire and an important way station of the Trans-Saharan trade from Morocco to Timbuktu .


The British African explorer Mungo Park was captured by the ruler Ali in 1796 on his first trip to the Niger River . Through the descriptions in Park's travelogue Travels in the Interior of Africa , Ludamar became known to a broad European public in one fell swoop.

See also: Mungo Park: Captive by the Moors


  • Josiah Conder: Dictionary of geography, ancient and modern ... with a brief notice of ... principal towns ... and glossary of geographical Terms. 1834