Ludwig Diem

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Ludwig Diem (born July 15, 1882 , † January 16, 1978 ) was a German doctor and medical officer.

Ludwig Diem was born in 1882 to a family of doctors. After graduating from the Humanistic Gymnasium in Würzburg, he studied medicine in Würzburg and was awarded a doctorate on December 14, 1906. med. PhD. In 1910 he settled in Marktbreit as a general practitioner and also took over the management of the local district hospital for a period of 40 years. In 1920 he was elected chairman of the Medical District Association of Lower Franconia and in 1927 he was elected to the board of the Bavarian State Medical Association, of which he was a member until 1962 - with the exception of the years 1935 to 1945. Diem had after 1945 as chairman of the medical association Mainfranken and first chairman of the association of statutory health insurance physiciansBavaria's (Lower Franconia District Office) played a major role in the rebuilding of medical self-administration in his home country.

In 1958 Ludwig Diem was awarded the Paracelsus Medal of the German medical profession.

Works (selection)

  • History of the Würzburg medical centers. Würzburg: Medical District Association of Lower Franconia, 1965
  • From my market-wide years. Market wide: Gress, 1977

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