Ludwig Emil Puttrich

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Ludwig Emil ( Louis ) Puttrich (born April 13, 1824 in Leipzig ; † August 7, 1908 there ) was a Saxon lawyer and parliamentarian.


Ludwig Emil Puttrich was the son of the general director of the Brendel courts in Wurgwitz , August Ludwig Puttrich. From October 1844 to February 1848 he studied law at the University of Leipzig , interrupted by a two-semester study stay at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg from October 1845 to September 1846. In 1846 he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia Heidelberg . In 1847 he joined the Corps Guestphalia Leipzig . In 1861 he also became a corps bow bearer of the Corps Misnia Leipzig . In March 1848 he passed the legal exam and completed his legal clerkship from April 1848 to March 1850 at the Ratslandgericht in Leipzig. During this time he was actively involved in the democratic movement in Saxony .

From May 1850 to August 1852 Puttrich was a compulsory actuary at the Graeflich Solmschen Justice Office in Wildenfels . After his trial letters for obtaining the lawyer were accepted by the Saxon Ministry of Justice in April 1851, he settled as a lawyer in Leipzig in 1852. Later he was also a notary.

Puttrich was politically involved in the labor movement. Since the beginning of the 1870s he was a member of the Social Democratic Workers' Party and since the mid-1870s legal advisor to the Association of Saxon Miners and Ironworkers. Despite an eye operation in the autumn of 1884, as a result of which he became completely blind, he continued consulting work until at least 1889. From 1879 to 1885 he sat as a social democratic member of the 40th rural constituency in the second chamber of the Saxon state parliament .


  • Elvira Döscher, Wolfgang Schröder : Saxon parliamentarians 1869–1918. The deputies of the Second Chamber of the Kingdom of Saxony in the mirror of historical photographs. Droste, Düsseldorf 2001, ISBN 3-7700-5236-6 , pp. 445-446

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 112 , 576
  2. Kösener corps lists 1910, 148 , 4
  3. Kösener corps lists 1910, 151 , 175