Aircraft electronics officer

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An aircraft electronic officer (abbreviation: LfzEloOffz) is an officer of the Armed Forces in the rank group of Leutnante or the main people , which in an electronic relay, maintenance scale or repair and electronic relay is used and the corresponding activity information procedure identification number (TIV-ID) with who was awarded the number 5305620. In order to receive the TIV-ID LfzEloOffz, the officer must have successfully passed training and an examination. Officers who also have a corresponding assignment and training, but who are staff officers , are referred to as aircraft electronics staff officers (abbreviation: LfzEloStOffz). Aircraft electronics officers, along with aircraft engineering officers and ground equipment systems officers, are counted as part of the engineering officer tier.

Tasks of a LfzEloOffz

The aircraft electronics officer leads the technical sub-units under him in accordance with the applicable regulations, instructions and commands. He organizes and coordinates the operational process in his area of ​​responsibility and is responsible for the economic and situation-adapted deployment of soldiers and civilian employees. He oversees the service, in particular with regard to the monitoring of compliance with flight safety, environmental and occupational safety regulations, general rules of technology and ordered work procedures.

Individual evidence

  1. C2-225 / 0-2000-3 Divisional guideline: Basic, advanced and advanced training of technical officers in the aircraft engineering service (as of June 2020)
  2. ATN-5305620 Personnel definition of the Bundeswehr: aircraft electronics officer