Lumen (biology)

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The lumen , Pl. Lumina ( Latin lumen , light ' ,' window ') referred to in the anatomy , medicine and medical technology the inner cavity of hollow organs and tubular bodies, for example, the blood vessels , the stomach , the intestine and the bladder of mammals and in the tracheal system of insects.

In plants, lumen refers to the cavity of a guide cell ( trachea , tracheids , sieve tube ). The interior of cell organelles (e.g. the endoplasmic reticulum ) and membrane systems (e.g. thylacloids in chloroplasts) is called lumen.

In medical technology , the inside of catheters and tubes is also referred to as lumen. Some catheters have multiple lumens, e.g. B. Central venous catheter .

Word origin

Light opening is a secondary meaning of the Latin word lūmen (cf. lūx, 'light' , as well as the light measure in architecture ). The anatomical meaning of the term has only been demonstrable in scholarly language since the end of the 19th century.


  • RA Cote (Ed.): SNOMED Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine . tape I , ISBN 3-662-22412-7 , Numerical Index .
  • Erich Wintermantel, Suk-Woo Ha: Medical technology . Life Science Engineering. ISBN 3-540-93936-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Lumen on Duden online, accessed on December 20, 2018
  2. Pschyrembel (Ed.): Clinical Dictionary . 266th edition. 2014.
  3. Central Venous Catheter - Clinical Use. Anvil, accessed December 29, 2018 .
  4. Translation for "lumen" . Langenscheidt.
  5. Lumens . Spectrum of science.
  6. Dictionary search for lumen on (English)