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location Queen Maud Land , East Antarctica
part of Sør Rondane
Lunckeryggen (Antarctica)
Coordinates 72 ° 2 ′  S , 24 ° 42 ′  E Coordinates: 72 ° 2 ′  S , 24 ° 42 ′  E

The Lunckeryggen ( Norwegian ; English Luncke Range ) is a mountain range of up to 3020  m high mountains in the East Antarctic Queen Maud Land . In the mountains of Sør Rondane it extends over a length of 16 km in a north-south orientation between the Jenningsbreen and the Gjelbreen .

Norwegian cartographers mapped it in 1957 using aerial photographs taken during the US Operation Highjump (1946–1947). They named the mountain range after the Norwegian cartographer Bernhard Luncke (1894–1963), who in 1946 designed the maps for H. E. Hansen's Atlas over dele av det Antarktiske kystland ( German  atlas over parts of the Antarctic coastal countries ), which was also revised in 1957 includes a map of the Sør Rondane Mountains.

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