Goat pulmonary disease

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The contagious caprine ( Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia , CCPP) is a by mycoplasma -induced infectious disease caused by a lung inflammation and high losses in goat is identified. The disease is particularly widespread in Asia, Africa and Turkey, and in Switzerland there is an obligation to report this animal disease .

Pathogen and occurrence

The pathogen causing the CCPP is Mycoplasma capricolum ssp. capripneumoniae .

The introduction into a herd takes place via infected acquisitions. The pathogen spreads as a droplet infection via the air ( aerogenic ). Pathogen reservoirs are chronically infected permanent excretors .

Clinical picture

If there is a new outbreak, the pulmonary disease manifests itself as an acute illness with a high fever and cough. Almost all animals become ill, mortality can be up to 80%. It is relatively typical that only goats get sick when they are kept together with sheep.

In endemic areas , the disease is usually much milder with slight respiratory symptoms.

The diagnosis can only be made with certainty by the pathogen detection from pleural fluid, lung tissue or bronchial lymph nodes. In terms of differential diagnosis , the plague of small ruminants , pasteurellosis and other mycoplasmoses should be considered in particular .


The control aims in particular at preventing the introduction into domestic stocks by controlling international animal traffic and purchases from free stocks. Antibiotics can be used in acutely ill animals .

Vaccines against the disease do exist, but they are only used in endemic areas; their use is prohibited in Switzerland.

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