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Mycoplasmoses are infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma . Mycoplasmas are bacteria without a cell wall and colonize mucous membranes . Outside of the mucous membranes, mycoplasmas are not very resistant to chemical and physical influences.

Mycoplasmosis occurs in different species. In addition to specific diseases, there are other diseases in which other pathogens are involved. Mycoplasmoses are mostly factor diseases , they are favored by poor hygienic conditions and made more complicated by secondary infections with other germs.

species Special clinical pictures (pathogens) Involvement in other diseases
human atypical pneumonia , non-gonococcal urethritis and possible influence on the development of the symptoms of HIV infection and the chronic fatigue syndrome
Bovine Pulmonary disease ( M. mycoides ) Infections of the genital tract with the development of chronic vesiculitis , bursitis , salpingitis and endometritis ; Mastitis ; Triggers Pneumonia in Calves
Sheep , goats Goat lung disease ( M. mycoides )
Infectious agalactia ( M. agalactiae and others)
Chamois blindness ( M. conjunctivae )
Pneumonia triggers in lambs
Pigs Enzootic pneumonia ( M. hyopneumoniae )
poultry Poultry mycoplasmosis ( M. gallisepticum ) Triggers encephalitis and polyarthritis , in racing pigeons together with chlamydia triggers a runny nose
Rodents Rat mycoplasmosis ( M. pulmonis )