Lutz Giesen

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Lutz Giesen (* 1974 in Berlin ) is a neo-Nazi cadre and activist of the free comradeship scene , who appears nationwide as a registrant and speaker at neo-Nazi rallies.

Giesen has been active in the neo-Nazi scene since the mid-1990s, organizing marches, appearing as a speaker, writing propaganda and training other cadres. He was initially active in the Berlin area and is one of the founders and leaders of the Berlin “ Kameradschaft Germania ”. In 2002 he moved to Hamburg and in 2004 to Greifswald , where he temporarily maintained contacts with the Rugia fraternity . Since then he has played an essential role in the neo-Nazi scene in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, including as a leading force in the home loyal German youth , in the "Heimatbund Pommern" (HBP) and the "Pomeranian Action Front" (PAF), now renamed social and the National Alliance of Pomerania (SNBP), an association of local comradeships.

Giesen often appears as a registrant and speaker at neo-Nazi rallies. He makes headlines, e.g. B. in February 2000, when he registered a neo-Nazi vigil in Berlin on the day of the death of the SA leader Horst Wessel or when he took part in the Rudolf Hess memorial march in Wunsiedel that same year . In recent years Giesen has become more and more active and has appeared as a speaker on almost all standard topics of the neo-Nazis.

Criminal record

Giesen has a criminal record of at least 15 times , among other things, for sedition , use of anti- constitutional symbols , resistance to law enforcement officials and assault . In September and October 1996, he and Frank Schwerdt and Christian Wendt were convicted of sedition because they had spread the “doctrine” of National Socialism in a so-called “training letter” from the association Die Nationalen . On April 11, 2005, Giesen was sentenced to a fine of 1,440 euros in Hoyerswerda for calling for a demonstration in the city on September 18 of the previous year to sweep the FRG's fascist regime away . During his imprisonment he was looked after by the neo-Nazi aid organization for national political prisoners and their relatives (HNG).

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