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Television broadcast
Original title Contrasts: The magazine from Berlin
Contrasts logo.png
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) since 1968
Sender Free Berlin (1968–2003)
Broadcasting Berlin-Brandenburg (since 2003)
length 30 minutes
genre Politmagazin
Moderation Eva-Maria Lemke (since 2019)
First broadcast January 18, 1968 on German television

Kontraste is a political TV magazine of the ARD . It is produced by RBB (formerly SFB ) and broadcast every three weeks alternating with monitor and panorama on Thursdays at 9:45 p.m. on Das Erste .


The first broadcast took place on January 18, 1968 with the subtitle Ein Ost-West-Magazin . The initiator and source of ideas was the then SFB editor-in-chief Peter Pechel , who shaped the program, which was extraordinary at the time, together with his deputy Peter Schultze for years. The first broadcast dealt in a special way with the inauguration of Alexander Dubček and the Prague Spring that had just begun . In the early years, the focus was on background reporting from the countries of the Eastern Bloc . The editorial team was allowed to shoot in 1975 as the first German magazine in the People's Republic of China . Non-journalists also had to be engaged for the difficult work and the film deliveries. In the mid-1980s, the focus shifted to German-German relations. The then Kontraste employee Roland Jahn had amateur video cameras smuggled into the GDR , which were used to make secret recordings there, for example about the conditions at landfills and in autumn 1989 about the Monday demonstrations . The tapes with the recordings were then smuggled back to West Berlin to be used in the magazine articles. After reunification , the coming to terms with GDR history and developments in the new federal states came more into focus.

The editorial staff of the magazine is also responsible for the ARD focal point from the broadcasting area Berlin and Brandenburg .



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The price - JVBB - Journalists' Association of Berlin-Brandenburg. Retrieved January 23, 2019 .
  2. a b c d e f The moderators of KONTRASTE on
  3. Astrid Frohloff on
  4. Eva-Maria Lemke moderates "Kontraste" from October 16, 2018 in the new year