Luxembourg Castle Model Museum

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Museum of Luxemburg Castles in miniature-Castle Clervaux-01ASD.jpg
Clervaux Castle - Diorama 35: 1 by Claude Joachim
Museum of Luxemburg Castles in miniature-model-08ASD.jpg

The Luxembourgish Castle Model Museum ( French : Musée de châteaux forts luxembourgeois en maquettes; English : Museum of Luxembourg castles in miniature) in the municipality of Clervaux ( Luxembourgish Klierf, Cliärref , German  Clerf ) in Clervaux Castle shows models of real castles in Grand Duchy of Luxembourg .


The exhibition has been on view in the west wing of the castle in Clervaux since 1970. The focus of the museum's exhibition are models of 22 actually existing castles and palaces as well as the surrounding area in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which are shown in great detail on a 1: 100 scale. The models are also intended to provide an overview of the structure of a city in relation to its defense strategy. Information in sound and images (texts in four languages) complement the museum's illustrative concept.

The diorama Clervaux 1:35 is a replica of the Clervaux Castle, which shows in detail a day of war during the Battle of the Bulge . It was built by Claude Joachim.

The models are owned by the Luxembourg monument protection authority.

In addition, some stone coats of arms and corbels as well as pictures are exhibited in the museum.

The exhibits are spread over several floors. The visit to the museum at Clervaux Castle takes around 30 minutes and is generally chargeable. Visiting the museum is not possible with a stroller or for physically handicapped people.

See also

Web links

Commons : Luxembourg Castle Model Museum  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Clervaux Castle  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. In Clervaux Castle the museum is inscribed as: Museum of Luxembourg Castles in Model .
  2. a b Discover castles and palaces on a scale of 1/100 , website:
  3. a b c Diana Hofmann: Big castles, very small , Luxemburger Wort from August 20, 2019.

Coordinates: 50 ° 3 '15.9 "  N , 6 ° 1' 47.7"  E