Andrei Nikolajewitsch Mandelstam

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Andrei Nikolaevich Mandelstam , even Henrich Nikolaevich Mandelstam (, Russian Андрей Николаевич Мандельштам ; born January 1, jul. / 13. January  1869 greg. In Mogilev ; † 27. January 1949 in Paris ) was a Russian jurist and diplomat .


Mandelstam, son of the gynecologist Nikolai Martynowitsch (Nochim Mendelewitsch) Mandelstam (1826–1882) and his wife Wera Ossipowna Ioffe, studied at the University of St. Petersburg in the Faculties of Law and Oriental Studies . After completing his studies, he initially stayed at the university to prepare for a professorship .

In 1893 Mandelstam joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1900, he publicly defended his dissertation on the Hague Conference on Private International Law for promotion to the Master of the international law before the official opponents Friedrich Martens and Michael von Taube and the unofficial opponents Mikhail Ivanovich Gorchakov and Leon Petrazycki . He was then awarded a doctorate in international law.

In 1898 Mandelstam became a dragoman at the Russian Embassy in Constantinople . In 1903 he became managing director of the consulates in Skopje and Bitola . In 1905 he was one of the Russian representatives on the Commission for the Dogger Bank Incident . In 1907 he was secretary of the Second Hague Peace Conference . In 1913 he was a delegate of the Russian Embassy in the Commission for Reforms in Turkish Armenia and the founder of the reform project.

After the October Revolution , Mandelstam first emigrated to Constantinople and then to Paris. He worked scientifically and literarily and was an employee of the Sovremennyje sapiski , the Jewreiskaja Tribuna , the magazine for law and economy, the Revue Generale de Droit Internationale Public and others. He was a corresponding member of the Institut de Droit international . He was one of the founders of the Russian League of Nations and was one of the three general secretaries. He was a freemason . During the German occupation of France in World War II , he lived in the USA .

The revolutionary and historian Martyn Nikolayevich Lyadow was Mandelstam's brother.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Chronos: Мандельштам Андрей Николаевич (accessed on September 16, 2019).
  2. a b c Русская история в портрете: Мандельштам Андрей Николаевич (accessed September 16, 2019).
  3. Мандельштам А. Н .: Гаагские конференции о кодификации международного частного права. в 2-х томах . St. Petersburg 1900 ( [accessed September 16, 2019]).
  4. Mandelstam TO: La Justice Ottomane dans ses rapports avec les puissances étrangères . A. Pedone, Paris 1908.
  5. Mandelstam TO: Le Sort de L'Empire Ottoman . Payot, Paris, Lausanne 1917.
  6. Mandelstam TO: La Société des Nations et les Puissances devant leproblemème arménien . Paris 1926.
  7. Mandelstam TO: Mémoire sur l'application du principe des nationalités à la question polonaise . Paris 1919.