Sovremennyye sapiski

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1938 edition of the magazine Sowremennyje sapiski

Sowremennyje sapiski ( Russian Современные записки , in pre-revolutionary spelling Современныя записки - contemporary notes ) was a journal for the politics and literature of Russian emigrants. From November 30, 1920 to April 1940, seventy editions in Russian were published in Paris .


During the Russian Civil War , Social Revolutionaries , i.e. opponents of the Bolsheviks , brought the magazine to life. Up to six issues appeared per year with a circulation of up to two thousand copies.

Authors were Iwan Bunin , Vladimir Nabokov under the pseudonym W. Sirin (including the novels Lushin's Defense , The Scout , The Test of Courage ), Alexei Tolstoy , Marina Tsvetaeva , Andrei Bely , Vyacheslav Ivanov , the humorist Nadezhda Teffi , Boris Saizew , Ivan Schmeljow , Alexei Remisow , Michail Ossorgin , Gaito Gasdanow , Nina Berberowa , Sinaida Hippius and Mark Aldanow .

Georgi Wiktorowitsch Adamowitsch, Wladislaw Chodassewitsch , Wladimir Weidlé , Konstantin Wassiljewitsch Motschulski, Pjotr ​​Michailowitsch Bizilli, Boris de Schloezer , Dmitri Swjatopolk-Mirski and Alfred Ljudwigowitsch wrote literary reviews .

The political, philosophical, historical, economic, agronomic , theological and educational part was played by the liberal lawyer Vasily Alexejewitsch Maklakow from the Cadet Party , Pavel Miljukow , Alexander Kerensky , Nikolai Berdjajew , Leo Schestow , Sergei Bulgakow , Georgi Petrowitsch Fedotow , Georgi Flori Losski , Sergei Iossifowitsch Gessen, Pawel Pawlowitsch Muratow, Michael Rostovtzeff , Boris Dawidowitsch Bruzkus and Pjotr ​​Konstantinowitsch Iwanow.

After the occupation of Paris by the Wehrmacht , the newspaper was discontinued.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Listing at (Russian)
  2. Russian Адамович, Георгий Викторович
  3. Russian Мочульский, Константин Васильевич
  4. Russian Бицилли, Пётр Михайлович
  5. Russian Бем, Альфред Людвигович
  6. Russian Маклаков, Василий Алексеевич
  7. Russian Федотов, Георгий Петрович
  8. Russian Гессен, Сергей Иосифович
  9. Russian Муратов, Павел Павлович
  10. Russian Бруцкус, Борис Давидович
  11. Russian Иванов, Пётр Константинович