Vladimir Weidlé

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Wladimir Weidlé , also Vladimir Weidlé , (Russian Владимир Васильевич Вейдле, Vladimir Vasilyevitch Veidle, born March 1 or March 13, 1895 in St. Petersburg , † August 5, 1979 in Paris ) was a Russian-French art scholar , art critic and author.


Weidlé studied history and philology at the St. Petersburg State University . After the October Revolution of 1917, he left St. Petersburg and taught art history at Perm State University between 1918 and 1921 . In October 1924 he emigrated to France, where he settled in Paris.

Weidlé was an important figure of the Russian intelligentsia in exile, of similar rank as Nikolai Berdjajew , Gueorgui Fedotow and Sémion Frank . On the initiative of Sergei Bulgakow , he taught art history at the Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe Saint-Serge in Paris from 1925 to 1952 . Between 1925 and 1940 he worked for the magazine La voie and published numerous essays and studies on questions of art history and the literature of Russia and Europe, the artistic culture of Europe, the fate of Christian art, the place of Russia in the intellectual history of Europe, etc.

Weidlé was connected to the Cercle d'Eranos and participated (like Marina Zwetajewa and Nina Berberova ) in the réunions of the Studio franco-russe (1929–1931) where he presented his thoughts on Paul Valéry et la poésie pure . His main work Les abeilles d'Aristée: Essai sur le destin actuel des lettres et des arts , first published in 1936, is about the destruction of Western art and the renaissance of the wonderful. Weidlé has written many contributions to collected works, such as the Entretiens sur le Grand Siècle russe et ses prolongements (his comments here were directed at Russian literature). The volume La Russie absente et présente , which appeared in French in 1949, contains a series of essays on the country of his birth .

Publications in general

  • The fate of modern art . Vita Nova Verlag, Lucerne 1937.
  • Goethe: 1749-1832 . Unesco, 1949.
  • La Russie absente et présente . Gallimard, Paris 1949.
  • Les icônes byzantines et russes . Electra Editrice, Florence 1950.
  • Russia, way and way . German Publishing company, Stuttgart 1956.
  • The Mortality of the Muses: Reflections on Poetry, etc. Art in our time . German Publishing company, Stuttgart 1958.
  • Shape and language of the work of art. Studies on the foundation of a non-aesthetic art theory. With an afterword by Karl Möseneder . Mäander, Mittenwald 1981, ISBN 3-88219-000-0 .

In French

  • Les abeilles d'Aristée - Essai sur le destin actuel des lettres et des arts Paris 1936.
  • La Russie absente et présente Paris 1949 Réimpression ISBN 2-07-026633-8 .
  • Les icônes byzantines et russes Electra Editrice. Florence 1950.
  • Mosaïques paleochrétiennes et byzantines Electra Editrice. Florence 1954
  • Les Mosaïques vénitiennes 1956
  • Entretiens sur le Grand Siècle russe et ses prolongements . Paris 1971

In other languages

  • The Baptism of Art. Notes on the Religion of the Catacomb Paintings . London 1950.
  • Эмбриология поэзии. Введение в фоносемантику поэтической речи Original title Embriologia poèzii. In: Bibliothèque russe de l'Institut d'études slaves . Paris 1980. (online)
  • Умирание искусства. Original title Art mourant. In: Bibliothèque russe de l'Institut d'études slaves. Paris 1937. (online)

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