MÁV series 390.1

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Kuk Heeresbahn 10417
MAV class 390.1
Numbering: Kuk Heeresbahn 10417
MAV 390.101
Number: MAV: 1
Manufacturer: Henschel & Son Kassel
Year of construction (s): 1911
Retirement: after 1955
Axis formula : Cn2t
Gauge : 760 mm ( Bosnian gauge )
Height: 3,500 mm
Service mass: 15.2 t
Control type : Stephenson
Number of cylinders: 2

The MAV series 390.1 was a narrow gauge - steam locomotive of the former Kuk Army train passing through their use in Borzsavölgyi Gazdasági Vasút (BGV; German: Borzsatalbahn ) after 1941 when the Hungarian State Railways MÁV was incorporated.


The machine was procured in 1911 by Henschel & Sohn in Kassel for a forest railway company near Bolechov and was apparently used in a steam sawmill there. It is possible that not only one machine of this type has been delivered. Only a few technical data of the locomotives are available.

The locomotive was confiscated by the Austro-Hungarian Army Railways during the First World War and remained on the forest railway tracks in Slovakia until the Second World War .

The deployment data are not complete. It is said to have been used in Dubové in 1917 , from 1942 to 1944 on the former Uschhorod - Radwanka forest railway and from 1944 to the 1950s on the Borzsavölgyi Gazdasági Vasút (BGV; German: Borzsatalbahn ).

In 1941 it was given the MÁV designation. There is a photo of her in Berehove .

See also


  • Karel Just: Parní lokomotivy na úzkorozchodných tratích ČSD. Vydavatelství dopravní literatury Ing. Luděk Čada, Litoměřice, 2001, ISBN 80-902706-5-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Karel Just: Parní lokomotivy na úzkorozchodných tratích ČSD . Vydavatelství dopravní literatury Ing.Luděk Čada, Litoměřice, 2001 ISBN 80-902706-5-4 page 84