Médaille de l'Aéronautique

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Médaille de l'Aéronautique
Lapel of the medal

The Médaille de l'Aéronautique was founded on February 14, 1945 by the Provisional Government of the French Republic and is intended to honor services to French aviation.

Award criteria

The award can be given to residents and foreigners. Posthumous awards are also permitted.

The military can be awarded at the earliest when they reach the age of 35, civilians at the earliest when they reach the age of 40.

A maximum of 275 awards are made each year. These are traditionally carried out by the Minister of Defense or his representative on January 1st and July 14th ( French national holiday ).


The medal is a rectangular , small, red enamelled plate made of gilt bronze . On it you can see Marianne's head turned to the left with the three-line signature HONNEUR ET PATRIE (Honor and Fatherland). The reverse of the medal is without enamel and bears the four-line inscription MÉDAILLE DE L'AÉRONAUTIQUE 1945 (Medal of Aviation 1945).

A clasp is attached to the medal. This has the shape of two spread wings and shows a five-pointed star in the middle.

Carrying method

The award is worn on a dark blue ribbon on the left side of the chest. To avoid confusion with the tape of the Ordre national du Mérite , a clip made of gold-plated bronze is placed on the tape buckle . This has the shape of the suspension clasp described above.


  • André Souyris-Rolland: Guide des Ordres Civils des Médailles d'Honneur et es Médailles de Société (= Le Guide Français des Ordres, Décorations et Médailles. 2). Public - réalisations, Paris 1979.