Měsačne pismo k rozwučenju a wokřewjenju

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Měsačne pismo k rozwučenju a wokřewjenju ("Monthly letter for instruction and entertainment") was the first attempt at a printed Sorbian newspaper in 1790. It appeared in Bautzen without a license and had to be discontinued after the first edition.

The reasons for the first printing of a Sorbian newspaper are the effects and results of the French Revolution .

The two enlighteners Jan Awgust Janka (1764–1833) and Korla Bohuchwał Šěrach (1764–1836) wanted to educate the Sorbian people in moral, religious and scientific questions with this monthly . But as soon as the first issue appeared, the censor banned the newspaper with the remark that “the Sorbian people should not oppose their own government following the example of the French” .
