Məmməd Quliyev

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Məmməd Mehdi oğlu Quliyev (also Mämmäd Quliyev ; Russian Мамед Мехти оглы Кулиев ; born February 9, 1936 in Göyçay district , Azerbaijan SSR , Soviet Union ; † October 2, 2001 ) was a Soviet-Azerbaijani composer .


Məmməd Quliyev learned the tar string instrument by himself . He attended the tark class R. Məmmədb Tyli and the composition class MidhƏt Əhm (dov (* 1914) of the Bakı Musiqi Texnikum , graduating in 1958. He then went to the composition class of Qara Qarayev at the Azerbaijan State Conservatory, where he graduated in 1963. The first symphony was his first great work. He wrote them for his composition diploma and was honored by the examination committee. Məmməd Quliyev had been a member of the Azerbaijani Composers Association since 1966 and later a member of the board and an active member of the symphonic and chamber music department. He was also involved in the Union of Composers of the USSR and was repeatedly elected to the board. In the following years his compositions were shown at competitions, festivals, congresses and plenaries in the Soviet Union, but also in the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait, China, Japan and other countries successfully presented. From 1960 until his death he taught at the Music College in Baku. On November 19, 1977, his 1976 opera Aldanmış ulduzlar was premiered. It is based on a story by Mirzə Fətəli Axundov . In 1992 he received the honorary title of Honored Artist of Azerbaijan. His wife was the philologist and educator Cülyetta MirAslan qızı Quliyeva.

Works (selection)

Məmməd Quliyev wrote seven symphonies, the opera Aldanmış ulduzlar [Lost Stars], various instrumental concerts and large choral works. Among them are the Kantata Dədə Qorqud diyar based on a text by Fikrət Qoca (* 1935) and a requiem dedicated to the martyrs, which is dedicated to the victims of Black January . In the third symphony he also uses texts by Fikrət Qoca and complements the orchestra with a vocal soloist. In addition, he wrote other chamber music instrumental works. He wrote works for rarely used instruments such as the double bass, bass clarinet and piccolo flute.

Individual evidence

  1. Güllü İsmayilova: Milli musiqi mədəniyyətimizin görkəmli nümayəndəsini xatırlarkən. In: http://www.anl.az . May 12, 2011, Retrieved November 6, 2019 (Azerbaijani).
  2. a b Məmməd Quliyev. In: http://azcomposersunion.com.az . Azərbaycan Bəstəkarlar İttifaqı, accessed November 6, 2019 (Azerbaijani).
  3. Bakı Musiqi Akademiyası - Quliyev Məmməd Mehdi oğlu. In: https://musicacademy.edu.az . Bakı Musiqi Akademiya, accessed November 6, 2019 (Azerbaijani).
  4. Məktəblinin Elektron Musiqi Kitabxanası / Bəstəkarlar. Retrieved November 6, 2019 .