Madagascar Lapwing

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Madagascar Lapwing
Order : Plover-like (Charadriiformes)
Family : Plover (Charadriidae)
Subfamily : Lapwing (Vanellinae)
Genre : Lapwing ( Vanellus )
Type : Madagascar Lapwing
Scientific name
Vanellus madagascariensis
Goodman , 1996

The Madagascar lapwing ( Vanellus madagascariensis ) is an extinct species of wader from the genus of the lapwing ( Vanellus ), which is only known through two subfossil humerus bones. The left and right humerus were unearthed at two different locations in Madagascar . The first comes from Ampoza near Akkazoabo and the second from Lamboharna north of Toliara . These bones are in the American Museum of Natural History in New York and in the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris .

According to radiocarbon dating , the species died out in the 14th century due to the drying up of its habitat and the resulting shrinking of its range. The Madagascar lapwing represents the first species of lapwing known in Madagascar. Nothing is known about the appearance, way of life and area of ​​distribution.


  • Steven M. Goodman: Description of a new species of subfossil lapwing (Aves, Charadriiformes, Charadriidae, Vanellinae) from Madagascar In: Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 4e série, 18, 1996. Section C, n ° 4 : S. 607-614
  • Michael Walters & Julian Pender Hume: Extinct Birds . Poiser Monographes (A&C Black), 2012. ISBN 978-140-815-725-1 . P. 125.