Magda Herzberger

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Magda Mozes Herzberger (born February 20, 1926 in Cluj , Romania under the name Magdalena Mozes; also Magda Moses Herzberger ) is an author , poet , lecturer and composer as well as a survivor of the concentration camps Auschwitz , Bremen and Bergen-Belsen . Her book Survival is an account of her early life, her time in the camps , her liberation, and her reunion with her mother.


Early life

Herzberger was born in northern Transylvania under the name Magdalena Mozesborn in today's Romania. She is an only child of her mother Serena Daszkal and her father Herman Mozes. Although she is an only child, she grew up with many cousins. She lost 80 percent of her family to the German concentration camps. Including her father, who was killed in Dachau . Her mother - like her - survived the Holocaust . After the Second World War , the two were reunited. Her mother Serena Daszkal died in 1994 at the age of 93.

At the age of 18, Herzberger spent 6 weeks in the Auschwitz concentration camp . She was later transferred to Bremen to do forced labor while the city was bombed by Allied forces. In March 1945 she was transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. She was given the task of disposing of the corpses that would accumulate in the barracks. Collapsed from exhaustion, Herzberger was barely found alive among the corpses by a liberating British soldier .

At the end of 1945 she returned to her hometown of Cluj . She completed her bachelor's degree in science and then started attending King Ferdinand Medical School , where she met her husband. Fearing communist forces in the region, they decided to flee to Israel . However, their ship was captured by the British in the Aegean Sea . They were taken to Cyprus and held in a prison camp until they were allowed to enter Israel in 1949.

Later in her life

Magda Herzberger is married to Eugene Herzberger, a neurosurgeon who began his career in Israel. The couple lived in Israel for 9 years until they emigrated to the United States in 1960 . They have a son, Henry, and a daughter, Monica, who illustrates Herzberger's books. The family lived in Monroe , Wisconsin , where Eugene Herzberger practiced medicine for 20 years . They have lived in Arizona since 1994 .

Magda Herzberger spends her time educating the public about her experiences and perspectives within the Holocaust. In addition to creating her literary and musical compositions, she spends her time giving lectures about her life and beliefs.


  • Surviving Hard Times: A Holocaust Survivor's Tools for Overcoming Life's Challenges
  • Midnight Musings
  • Transcript of Magda Herzberger Interview, 1980
  • Survival
  • The Waltz of the Shadows, Second & Enlarged Edition
  • Devotional poetry
  • Tales of the Magic Forest
  • If You Truly Love Me
  • Dreamworld

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Magda Herzberger | Oral Histories: Wisconsin Survivors of the Holocaust | Wisconsin Historical Society. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .
  2. ^ A b c Magda Herzberger: Oral History Transcript. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .
  3. Herzberger, Magda (Moses) | Biographical Book Excerpt. January 1, 2012, accessed January 13, 2019 .
  4. ^ Magda Herzberger, Author, Poet, and Holocaust Survivor | VITERBO UNIVERSITY. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .
  5. a b About Magda Herzberger. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .
  6. Holocaust Survivor to speak at Viterbo April 7th | Congregation Sons of Abraham. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .