Magda del Pilar Seehawer

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Magda del Pilar Seehawer (born September 6, 1946 in Havana , Cuba ) is a Cuban painter and textile artist. Her stage name is Nazha .

Magda del Pilar Seehawer with a selection of her works


Magda del Pilar Seehawer was born in Havana as the daughter of a Cuban woman and a Hungarian exile. After the Cuban Revolution , she moved to the United States alone at the age of 13. This was not done voluntarily. There she was left on her own, like more than 4,000 other Cuban youths who also came to the United States from December 1960 to October 1962. This operation, called "Operation Peter Pan", is now considered the largest such documented exodus in the western hemisphere . She stayed in the USA for nine years and attended Miami Beach High School and the University of Florida, where she a. a. Studied textile design . After marrying a German, she moved to Tübingen . There she founded a sales company for raw textile products she designed herself. In the mid-1970s she emigrated to Sri Lanka with her three children . There she created and weaved unique textiles from self- grown silk with 500 employees.

Numerous exhibitions were carried out by enthusiastic Bombyx Mori customers (that was the name of their label) abroad. These exhibitions were organized in the respective home countries of the customers (e.g. throughout Europe, USA, Japan and Korea) and formed a link between Sri Lanka and the first world. Among other things, the development worker Rainer Blank (at that time under the GTZ in Sri Lanka) organized many art fairs abroad and exhibitions in Germany. At these art fairs she not only exhibited textiles under her stage name "Nazha", but also her pictures - which were made of paper and silk.

Since 2003 she has lived in Tübingen again with her four children. In addition to her freelance artistic work, she leads textile courses for immigrants there.

Numerous solo exhibitions and participations testify to the creativity, dynamism and energy of Magda del Pilar Seehawer. In 2006 alone, her works were presented in Berlin, Tübingen, Erwitte , but also in Sweden, England, Kazakhstan, Spain, Hungary and Japan.

Exhibitions in public space

  • A tapestry (flying birds) was given to Queen Elizabeth II by Ranil Wickremesinghe (then Prime Minister of Sri Lanka) .
  • Exhibitions at the Goethe-Institut in Colombo (direction Ulrich Everding) - 1996, 1997, 1998
  • Biennial Spain (Rupestria) - 2006
  • Aires de Córdoba (Spain) 4-15. April 2006
  • Astana, Kazakhstan 2006 (Kulanshi Art Forum) May 18 - July 2, 2006
  • Art exhibition at Amnesty International March 27th - July 14th 2007
  • Japan Biennial (Beppu) - 2007
  • 2nd International Hellweg Art Bridge Symposium. For a better world. Erwitte-Horn 2007
  • Emotions Gallery Contrasts April 21st - July 14th 2007 Erwitte-Horn
  • International Artists Residencies Exhibition in the Vízivárosi Galéria Budapest, June 26th - July 19th, 2008
  • 3rd International Hellweg Art Bridge Symposium "Peace for All" July 10-28, 2008 Erwitte-Horn
  • Museo contemporáneo Antonio- Gualda, Durango, Mexico - 2010
  • Entry in the art address book ( ISBN 978-3-11-023491-6 ) - 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kürschner's Handbook of Visual Artists. Volume 2. Saur Verlag, Munich 2007, p. 996.
  2. flying birds at
  3. ( Memento of the original from January 20, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /