Gastric symptom

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The gastric symptom is a disease that occurs mainly in relatives of guinea pigs , which is accompanied by gas accumulation in the stomach and quickly becomes life-threatening without treatment. The stomach tympani in rabbits is called drum addiction .


The main causes of gastric symptoms are feeding errors such as bloating feed, young grass (high protein content ) and sudden changes in feed. Since the smooth muscles of the stomach in guinea pigs are poorly developed and the food is largely "pushed on" by newly ingested food, reduced food intake leads to a longer residence time in the stomach and can trigger gastric symptoms. Dental diseases, which lead to insufficient chopping of food and reduced food intake, and infections of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastroenteritis ) also play a role as triggers.

Clinical picture

The gastric symptom shows itself in reduced activity with slight inflation. With stronger inflation, there is exhaustion ( apathy ) and abdominal pain, which manifests itself in an arched back, a ruffled fur and gnashing of teeth. The waist size increases. The front part of the abdomen in particular is inflated like a balloon and leads to a typical hollow sound when knocked . The impairment of breathing and circulation results in shortness of breath and eventually a shock .

The disease can usually already be diagnosed clinically. An X-ray is useful to confirm the diagnosis, in particular to differentiate between gastric torsion and bowel tympany . These diseases can also occur at the same time due to similar causative factors. When the stomach is twisted, the stomach usually shifts to the right side, so that an image from the stomach side (v / d image) is necessary for differentiation.


Lighter gastric symptoms can be treated with agents that stimulate gastric motor skills such as metoclopramide and foam-breaking agents such as dimethicone . A careful stomach massage can promote the further transport of the food pulp and gas.

In severe forms with a general disorder, the administration of painkillers and broad spectrum antibiotics is indicated. The gas can be slowly released through a thin tube that is inserted through the mouth. Advancing the tube too far or puncturing the abdominal wall are contraindicated as the thin stomach wall bursts quickly.

In the case of shock symptoms, life-sustaining emergency therapy with circulatory support ( infusion , prednisolone ) and oxygen supply is indicated before the actual treatment of the tympany can take place.

After primary treatment, the triggering factors must be determined and, if necessary, feeding errors corrected. Further food intake may have to be guaranteed by force feeding.

See also


  • A. Ewringmann, B. Glöckner: Key symptoms in guinea pigs, chinchilla and degu. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8304-1055-7 .
  1. Judith Wabnitz and Nadja Schneyer: Gastympanie and stomach rotation in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) - case report. In: Kleintiermedizin No. 6/13, pp. 290-295.