Mahmoud Ahmed Hamdy

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Mahmoud Ahmed Hamdy , also known as Mahmoud El Falaki or Mahmoud-Bey (* 1815 in Al-Hissa , Al-Gharbiyya ; † 1885 ) was an Arab engineer and scientist of Berber origin. He studied mathematics and astronomy and in 1851 received a scholarship with which he went to Europe to study. When he returned he was tasked with drawing maps of Egypt. He made the first complete map series of Egypt. He also began systematic archaeological research in Alexandria . Napoleon III wanted a detailed map of ancient Alexandria for his planned, monumental “Histoire de Jules César” and asked the viceroy of Egypt Ismail Pasha for help, who commissioned his astronomer Mahmoud Ahmed Hamdy to draw up an ancient map of the city. He carried out excavations in the city with 200 workers between 1863 and 1865 and was able to present a plan in 1866 that is still valid today and has been repeatedly confirmed by recent studies.


  • Günter Grimm: Alexandria. The first royal city in the Hellenistic world . Mainz am Rhein 1998, ISBN 3-8053-2337-9 , pp. 11-12.

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