Maja Krumnacker

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Maja Krumnacker (born July 11, 1931 in Zwickau ) is a German materials scientist.


Maja Krumnacker graduated from high school in Zwickau in 1949. In the same year she began studying metallogy at the Bergakademie Freiberg , which she graduated with a diploma in 1955. Until 1956 she stayed as a research assistant at the Institute for Metallurgy and Materials Testing at the Bergakademie. At the end of 1956 she moved to Leipzig, where she worked at VEB Metallgusswerk until 1963 and from 1962 headed the materials testing department.

As a consultant for the distance learning course in materials science, she stayed in close contact with her old university. In 1962 she completed her doctorate with the title Magma cum laude . A year later she returned to Freiberg, where she qualified as a professor in 1967 and from 1968 worked as a university lecturer in metal science.

In 1978 she was the first woman to be appointed professor for the field of metallurgy of non-ferrous materials at the Freiberg Mining Academy. Until her retirement in 1991, she remained the only female professor at her university.

Maja Krumnacker gave 40 lectures at symposia and conferences and wrote 65 publications. From 1973 to 1991 she was chairman of the editorial board of the trade journal Neue Hütte . Long after her retirement, from 2000 to 2005, she held a teaching position at the Staatliche Studienakademie Riesa .

Publications (selection)

  • To characterize the porosity in light metal castings, especially with regard to the differentiation between gas and cavity microporosity . Dissertation, Freiberg 1962
  • Investigations on the concentration distribution at the phase interface during the solidification of dilute tin-zinc alloys, taking into account growth structures . Habilitation thesis, Freiberg 1967


  • 1955 Agricola Medal (awarded by the Freiberg Bergakademie for outstanding study results)
  • 2006 honorary colloquium on the occasion of her 75th birthday


  • Heinrich Oettel: “Technology” is female, but what does that mean in Freiberg? In: Journal for friends and sponsors of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg . 14/2007, pp. 91-92 ( electronic edition )
  • Heinrich Oettel: Maja Krumnacker on her 80th birthday . In: Acamonta - magazine for friends and supporters of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. 18/2011, p. 160
  • Hartmut Schleiff, Roland Volkmer, Herbert Kaden : Catalogus Professorum Fribergensis: Professors and teachers at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg 1765 to 2015. Freiberg, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86012-492-5 , p. 286

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hartmut Schleiff, Roland Volkmer, Herbert Kaden : Catalogus Professorum Fribergensis: Professors and teachers at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg 1765 to 2015. Freiberg, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86012-492-5 , p. 286
  2. a b Heinrich Oettel: "Technology" is female, but what does that mean in Freiberg? In: Journal for friends and sponsors of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg . 14/2007, pp. 91-92 ( electronic edition )