Makarius Magnes

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Makarios Magnes ("the Magnesian", Latinized Macarius Magnes ) was the author of an apology of Christianity with the title Apokritikós e monogenés , which was written between 300 and 400 . He is not to be confused with the church father of the same name, Makarios the Egyptian . It is very uncertain whether this is Bishop Makarios of Magnesia , who appeared at the Oak Synod of 403.

The date and person of the author are still controversial today. The content and the Bible edition used by the author point to Asia Minor as the place of writing. The Trinitarian terminology used makes the complete work before the last quarter of the 4th century unlikely ( Trinitarian disputes ), but older material could have been used.

In the form of a dialogue with a pagan, the work defends the rationality and ethos of Christianity, incarnation, divine unity (“ monarchy ”) and corporeal resurrection against the philosophical criticism of the tradition of non-Christian philosophy.

So far there have been a number of translations of the shorter “pagan” parts of the dialogue, which perhaps go back to a different author ( Porphyrios ?), But which differ greatly in style. A German translation of the entire work is in preparation.

Under the name Makarios Magnes there are also parts of a homily to the Book of Genesis , which, however, have not been assigned to the same author in German research for about 100 years.


  • F. Corsaro, Le quaestiones nell '"Apocritico" di Macario di Magnesia, Catania 1968 (Italian translation of the Quaestiones).
  • R. Goulet, Le Monogénès, 2003 (text and French translation).
  • RJ Hoffmann, Against the Christians. The Extracts of MM, Amhurst 1994. (English translation of the Quaestiones)
  • U. Volp, Makarios Magnes: Apokritikos. Critical edition with German translation (= texts and studies on the history of early Christian literature. Vol. 169). De Gruyter, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-028455-3 , doi : 10.1515 / 9783110284553 .


  • TD Barnes, Porphyry Against the Christians. Date and Attribution of Fragments: JTS.NS 24 (1973) 424/42.
  • F. Corsaro, La dottrina eucharistica di Macario di Magnesia: Convivium Domenicum (1959) 69/86.
  • F. Corsaro, La reazione pagane nel iv secolo el'Apocritico di Macario di Magnesia: Quaderni Catanesi di studi classici e medievali 6 (1984) 173/95.
  • Alessandro Capone: The narrative sections of Macarius Magnes' Apocriticus . In: ders. (Ed.): Lessico, argomentazioni e strutture retoriche nella polemica di età cristiana (III-V sec.) . Brepols, Turnhout 2012, ISBN 978-2-503-54391-8 , pp. 253-270 ( online ).
  • E. DePalma Digeser, Porphyry, Julian, or Hierocles? The Anonymous Hellene in MMs Apokritikos: JThS 53 (2002) 466/502.
  • JM Featherstone, Opening Scenes of the Second Iconoclasm. Nicephorus's Critique of the Citations from MM: Revue des Etudes Byzantines 60 (2002) 65/112.
  • Richard Goulet: Macarius de Magnésie. In: Richard Goulet (ed.): Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques . Volume 4, CNRS Éditions, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-271-06386-8 , pp. 221-224
  • Ulrich Volp : Makarios Magnes. In: Real Lexicon for Antiquity and Christianity . Volume 23, Hiersemann, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-7772-1013-1 , Sp. 1223-1234
  • R. Waelkens, L'Economie, thème apologetique et principe hermeneutique dans l'Apocritique de MM, Louvain 1974.

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