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The Makushita division ( Japanese 幕 下 ) is the third highest of the six classes of Japanese sumo . The name literally means "under the curtain" and is explained by the fact that the Makushita used to form the second division and was thus located directly under the Makuuchi Division. Their relatives were separated from the other wrestlers by curtains. The Makushita division always consists of 120 fighters, divided into east and west groups.

Makushita is seen as a stepping stone into the sekitori ranks and is accordingly characterized by fierce competition for promotion to the juryo division. It can either be achieved through regular fights against members of this league within the framework of the tournaments or through a 7-0 kachi-koshi : a fighter placed in the top 30 of the division is automatically promoted. A fighter who ranks lower will be promoted to the top 30 through such a tournament victory, so that a rikishi who is undefeated over two tournaments can switch to the juryo in any case.

Successful amateur wrestlers, for example from university sports, are often granted lateral entry into the Makushita division. You will be awarded the rank of Makushita Tsukedashi , which is currently between 15th and 16th in the division.

From the Makushita division, rikishi are allowed to perform the cleansing ritual with salt. Salt is taken from a small bowl, which in most cases is sprinkled on the ring.

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