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Jonokuchi ( Japanese 序 ノ 口 , "something that has just started") is the sixth and lowest division in Japanese sumo . The league's staff is primarily provided by beginners, but also by older wrestlers who have been relegated due to injuries and are trying to make a comeback. The first ranking of the new wrestlers is determined at the mae zumo , a competition in the first week of the basho , which is led by lower-ranking and often also new yobidashi and gyōji . The number of aspirants ranges from around 15 to over 50, although it is usually highest at the spring haru-basho tournament . After the multi-day procedure, they are officially presented on the battlefield, which can take several days if there are high numbers of participants. After that they are recognized as deshi (apprentices).

The mandatory dress code for athletes in the Jonokuchi Division consists of a cotton robe , the yukata , and the traditional wooden shoes geta .