Malay Eagle Owl

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Malay Eagle Owl
Bubo sumatranus -Kuala Lumpur Bird Park-8a-2cp.jpg

Malay Eagle Owl ( Bubo sumatranus )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Owls (Strigiformes)
Family : Real owls (Strigidae)
Genre : Eagle Owls ( Bubo )
Type : Malay Eagle Owl
Scientific name
Bubo sumatranus
( Raffles , 1822)

The Barred Eagle-Owl ( Bubo sumatranus ), also Malaienuhu written is a kind from the family of real owls. It occurs in three subspecies exclusively in Southeast Asia.


The Malay Eagle Owl reaches a body size of 40 to 46 centimeters. The top of the body is reddish-brown with fine, dark horizontal stripes. The underside of the body is striped whitish and brown. The chest is always a little darker than the belly. The legs are feathered. The eyes are dark brown. In its area of ​​distribution, it can be confused with both the Malay Owl and the Bartelskauz . Unlike the Malay owl, both species do not have feather ears. There is also a distant similarity to the Nepaluhu . However, this is noticeably spotted on the underside of the body.

distribution and habitat

The Malay Eagle Owl is found in the south of Burma and Thailand, on the Malay Peninsula, on Sumatra, Bangka, Borneo, Java and Bali. It is considered a resident bird that populates evergreen forests with ponds and streams, but also occurs in gardens with tall, leafy trees, for example in the Botanical Garden in Bogor (Java). Occasionally he stays on the edge of human settlements. Its height distribution ranges from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 meters; in West Java you can occasionally find it at higher altitudes.

Way of life

The Malay Eagle Owl usually transmits alone or in pairs in tall trees with dense foliage. He often sits near the tree trunk. Its food spectrum includes large insects, birds, small mammals such as mice and rats, as well as flying squirrels and reptiles. He enters into a lifelong relationship - presumably due to his high loyalty to the nesting site. Very large tree hollows serve as a nesting place. In Java and Sumatra it also uses the abandoned nests of other birds. The clutch consists of only one egg. The breeding season varies depending on the location.

supporting documents

Single receipts

  1. König et al., P. 336
  2. König et al., P. 337


Web links

Commons : Malay Eagle Owl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files